Getting to a place of seeing consistent results is a process that takes a lot of work. You notice a lot of incredible results right away, but to have consistent sustained results takes time and effort to build.
Potentially reach 441K people per month!
In the past 30 days, the account has reached 441K people on instagram.
When Jesus went to preach one of his most famous sermons “Sermon on the Mount” he amplified his reach my getting to higher ground where more people could hear him and where his voice could be amplified.
Imagine if I told you that you could have half a million people per month hear you give glory to God. Would you be interested? This is the power of social media, it can amplify our voices as we use our voices to point people to God.
Just from social media people have filled out our “connect form” and are currently studying the Bible!
What is a “connect form”? A connect form is filled out by someone who meets us through our digital community, but would like to know more about our church or about God.
This is a real example (image) of how someone found us on instagram and filled out our connect form. This person is currently studying the Bible and getting closer to Christ.
Note: One of the boxes they checked is “Learning what the Bible teaches about salvation”! So awesome, right?!
All connect forms upon completion are immediately forwarded to the Church leaders and any other team members. They can be sent via Email and/or text.
What is “Cross posting”? Cross Posting is a fancy term for taking the same thing you post to one social media platform and posting it to another.
Whatever we do on Instagram we can automatically do on your other social media channels. Google has huge potential since it is one of the first places people go to find a church near them.
We currently have someone studying the Bible who found us through Google.
We can cross post to:
Many more (just ask)
If you are interested, we would love to hear from you!
Email us at:
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